Tuesday, June 3, 2014

i found my words

Your water glass hasn't moved--couldn't 
move it after 
you left. Sitting where you sat,
trying to make stills in my still-less head
trying to see myself without my glasses
I drank every drop of tea 
after it had gone cold
& thought of the taste 
of it you might have tasted
in my mouth. 
Luckily I'll be there--in your mouth--
for months. 
He, she, it, we are dancing 
in between each of 
our teeths. 
Patronizing and saint-like 
as you promised something 
like I didn't already know the way it burns
when I watch you leave. I've been here. 
I'll always have the note 
and the noose on my throat 
because a circular part of my 
unclassified structure of actualizing 
believes in destiny
& I wonder when I see you 
if maybe mine is 
a one-way street 
that dead ends at the 
highway of you
without an on ramp. 
The phone call I will always be waiting for
is ringing like a bell 
against the click of your turn signals
and the burnt out tail light 
and the smell of cigarettes
you always managed 
to leave on 
my hands. 
It cannot get much better 
when you leave me with 
my thoughts 
and they are all that 
has ever kept me 
from you 

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