Wednesday, December 19, 2012

She had EXIT ONLY tattooed on the back of her neck so that when she left, everyone suddenly understood what they had been dealing with all along. There wasn't anything closer than infinity to her outer edges, which she had learned to fray a thousand leagues under the sea during the Summer of her infancy. Then, like a childhood year-long tragedy, she was forgotten.
It hit the rest of them like a black hole in the middle of the day; the sun was absolved of its sins until the moon outgrew the millions of millenniums that had passed.
Little talks and garbage trucks had the same volume and the text of the bible began to burn. It was coming to an end and she hadn't loved hard enough to know what she missed out on that coming of the dawn. Luke warm, boiling, and icy cold, all at once, they were sitting in the bed, closing tight their eyes against the rays of Armageddon.
It's the reality of fantasies that historical and social cognitions always ruin the dream. Youth is fading just as quickly as adulthood is devouring the color in your cheeks.
You smile like there's something you haven't said.

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